Why Dental Hygiene is Important for Cats

As a pet owner, it’s important that you cat receives the necessary dental care to stay happy and healthy. At Grand Park Animal Clinic in Katy, TX, we provide exams and cleanings to reduce any discomfort your feline is experiencing and improve its wellness. Before you visit us, learn why dental hygiene is important for cats below:

The Importance of Dental Hygiene for Cats

When it comes to caring for our pets, there are many responsibilities pet owners must consider. For example, it’s important that he or she is consuming the right food and has the necessary vaccines. However, dental care is just as important and can sometimes be overlooked.

Proper dental hygiene helps prevent plaque and tartar from building up. Along with that, it reduces the chances of problems like gingivitis, periodontal disease, and resorptive lesions. When dental hygiene is neglected, it can lead to cavities, infections, and broken or loose teeth as well. These issues can cause your pet severe pain and prevent it from being active.

How Our Veterinarians Can Help

When you visit us, we will perform an exam to check for any signs of dental diseases and evaluate your cat’s overall oral health. Your feline may also need a cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar that has accumulated. Additionally, our vets can recommend toothpastes and dental chews to help keep its mouth clean and breath fresh.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today!

To schedule an exam for your cat, contact Grand Park Animal Clinic in Katy, TX, at (281) 392-3127 today. We are happy to set you up with an appointment and tell you how to prepare for your visit. When you need a veterinarian near me, our team looks forward to assisting you!